Shopify Automations
Connect with customers automatically
Create and customize marketing automations that are always on, so you can engage customers at every stage of their journey and set your business growth in motion.
Don’t have a Shopify store? Start free trial.

Build hardworking automations
Custom automations
Build custom automations with a simple trigger-condition-action interface to match the exact needs of your business.
Templates for a customer’s journey
From welcome and winback automations to the first-purchase upsell, get ready-to-use templates built for commerce.
Fast and reliable
Powered by Shopify’s infrastructure, your messages will reach your customers with no delays—unless you planned them.
Reach out at the right moment
Start and run automations to connect with customers at critical moments in their journey—from subscribing to your newsletter to placing their first order and every milestone in between.

Choose conditions
Decide how automations should run based on conditions that increase the chances of your message reaching the right customer at the right time. Send a message before an order is placed, a delivery is made, or on a special occasion.
Set timing and cool-down periods
Determine when messages should reach customers, even based on a previous action like a purchase. Include wait steps in your workflows to space out messages and create the right email cadence.
Marketing made efficient
Get started in minutes
Choose from email automation templates, personalize the content, and start sending. Emails already include your logo and branding.
Track, test, and grow
Understand how email automations are performing with actionable reports like email engagement, sales, and more.
Do more in less time
Turn on your automations then let them run. No need to manually make email campaigns over and over again.