
Accepting new clients




Partner since September 2022


Primary location

Sevilla, Spain

Supported locations

Spain, United States, Andorra, United Kingdom


English, Spanish, German


Business description

Weblineo is a global e-commerce agency specializing in Shopify store development. Alongside, we offer consultancy and maintenance services. With over 200 clients last year and 1,000+ projects, we bring retail visions to life.

Other services

Store settings configuration, Store build or redesign, Store migration, Theme customization, Website audit and optimization strategy, Ongoing website management


Clothing and fashion, Health and beauty, Home and garden, Jewelry and accessories

Featured work

Polar Boards

Weblineo collaborated with Polar Board, a bold Spanish brand innovating in surf and skate with avant-garde designs. We built a website that reflects their modern aesthetic and serves as a showcase and sales platform for their unique surfboards and surf skates.
Explore our projects: https://www.weblineo.com/portfolio
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Hydro Vape

Weblineo proudly worked with Hydro Vape, a leading German brand creating water-flavored electronic vaporizers for a distinctive vaping experience. The challenge was to craft a website that not only emphasizes the innovative product technology but also embodies the vibrant neon aesthetics of the brand. 

See more of our innovative solutions: https://www.weblineo.com/portfolio
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Weblineo is proud to introduce Auster, a flagship web development project for an innovative sports equipment brand. This project was particularly challenging and exciting due to Auster's unique and aggressive brand identity, which required a digital representation that matched its intensity and passion for sports.

Discover more of our projects here: https://www.weblineo.com/portfolio
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Can juanito

The Can Juanito project was an exhilarating chance for Weblineo, working with a family business in the plant and tree sector. Aimed at mirroring their nature passion and quality commitment, we crafted an accessible online platform for customers to explore and buy from their extensive product range. 

Discover more of our work: https://www.weblineo.com/portfolio
View featured work

Church Visual

Weblineo was honored to work on the innovative Visual Church project for a U.S. client selling video content for churches. The challenge was crafting a vibrant, lively website to effectively showcase their wide range of videographic products. 

Discover our work: https://www.weblineo.com/portfolio
View featured work


The Eco project marks a milestone in Weblineo's portfolio, undertaking the challenge of creating a website for a revolutionary water dispenser by a U.S. company. With advanced patented technology and a design inspired by retro coffee machines, it signifies a leap towards the future of accessible and sustainable drinking water. 

Explore our innovative projects: https://www.weblineo.com/portfolio
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Overall rating summary

Ratings based on  and 

  1. (12)
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  5. (0)


Jarapa Home

Quality of work



Es un autentico experto en shopify y desarrollo, trabajo rapido y ademas muy atento en todo momento 

Service reviewed: Custom apps and integrations


Quality of work



Muy atentos y profesionales lo poco que he trabajado con ellos. Espero trabajar mucho más.

Service reviewed: Store settings configuration


Quality of work



100% recommended! They solved what I needed in 0,!! Personal and direct treatment without wasting time with ping-pong of emails up and down! One call, a couple of WhatsApp's and everything is configured to my liking!! Without a doubt I will not waste another minute searching or trying to code something myself. A 100 out of 100!! Thank you very much for the treatment and the quick response. They wi...

Service reviewed: POS setup and migration

La Despensa de Vila Sen Vento

Quality of work



Todo perfecto, la agilidad, eficacia y trato, seguiré contando con ellos cuando necesite a un profesional.

Service reviewed: Systems integration

Aromas de Café

Quality of work



Un cambio de tema, diseño y aportando muchas ideas para conseguir mejoras.

Lo recomiendo 100% 

Service reviewed: Theme customization

Aromas de te

Quality of work



Un gran trabajo, fácil comunicación y muy creativos a la hora de diseñar y de aportar ideas al proyecto.

Muy contentos y muy recomendables.

Service reviewed: Store build or redesign


Quality of work



Recomiendo Weblineo 100%. Me solucionaron problemas en cuestión de horas. Su servicio de mantenimiento mensual es excelente, ya que se ocupan de todas las dudas, actualizaciones, etc para que la tienda siempre esté a punto. Otra ventaja que vi en Weblineo es que son programadores, con lo que pueden incluir funciones customizadas a tu tienda que de otra forma solamente se pueden conseguir con aplic...

Service reviewed: Troubleshooting


Quality of work



Llevaba meses trabajando en mi web con los primeros partners que contraté y un día a la desesperada, me puse a buscar nuevo partner y di con Weblineo por casualidad. Desde el primer minuto, entendieron mis necesidades y en tan solo unas horas, mi web había dado un giro de 360º ! La comunicación con Marcos fue excelente y estuvo en contacto conmigo en todo el momento. Resolviendo y solucionando mis...

Service reviewed: Store build or redesign


Quality of work



Una persona totalmente recomendable, conoce al detalle todo lo necesario para configurar tu tienda, tiene soluciones para todo lo que necesites, puede editar todo lo que quieras, aparte excelente comunicación, persona con grandes ideas y muy original. Con su ayuda todo fue mucho mas facil. Una gran persona sin duda y un buen profesional.

Service reviewed: Store build or redesign

La percha de gema

Quality of work



Contactamos con Marcos para la creación de nuestra página web y no nos ha podido ir mejor. Rápido, atento, disponible siempre y contesta rápido y sobre todo siempre le hables cuando le hables y para lo que sea siempre dispuesto a ayudar y preocupado por que todo esté en perfecto estado. Seguimos con el en mantenimiento y muy contentos. 

Service reviewed: Store build or redesign