The Australian Retail Report 2024

Unlock certainty in an uncertain market

Unpack findings from retailers and consumers on top retail insights and tactics in 2024 and beyond.

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Market shifts

Selling and shopping in Australia is changing

Discover the changes sweeping through the Australian retail landscape in 2024, with market forces pushing new consumer values to the fore and prompting technology-driven strategies to meet emerging demands.

79%of Australian consumers are cutting down on something to save money

92%of Australian consumers would become loyal to a brand if it offered them something

99% of Australian retailers plan to invest in innovation in the next 12 months

Key themes

The top forces shaping retail in 2024

Explore data detailing the major forces driving change in the Australian retail industry and uncover the greatest opportunities for retailers today.

Consumer value

The hunt for value is driving sales as consumer spending cuts back, opening up new areas of growth and opportunity for retailers.

Unified experiences

In-store shopping is on the rise while online shopping is as popular as ever, with retailers ramping up their omnichannel game.

Customer loyalty

Cost isn’t the only thing capturing consumers’ attention, and retailers are leaning into new ways to compete without relying on price.

Business efficiency

As retailers are squeezed by spend, rising costs, and staffing challenges, they’re increasing investment in tech to drive efficiencies.

Retail technology

With innovation a top investment priority, a fresh focus on data, business intelligence, AI, and automation is transforming retail.

Aaron Gard

The customer's expectations around service quality have increased dramatically. When it comes to customer service, customers intuitively feel that every brand should act in an omnichannel way, and they should receive the same high quality of service for online purchases as they would receive in a traditional retail store.

Aaron Gard — Group General Manager, Digital & Loyalty, Brand Collective

Data beats assumptions