With online content increasing year on year, great copywriting is in demand. But as you well know from trying to grow your own freelance business, services being in demand doesn’t always guarantee success. Great copywriting is what will help the clients you work with stand out from the noise, and being a great copywriter will help you win more clients.
"Great copywriting is what will help the clients you work with stand out from the noise, and being a great copywriter will help you win more clients."
Being a writer is a companionless task. It can be hard to keep inspired to create everyday. There’s no one to give you a push when you need it, and if you work from home it’s easy to move to the couch and tell yourself that you’ll finish it tomorrow.
Luckily, podcasts for freelance writers and marketers have been growing in popularity. As the gig economy builds momentum, many new shows have been popping up over the past couple years. Freelancers are being interviewed on how they run their business and how they craft their words.
That’s why I’ve put together this list of podcasts for freelance writers and those passionate about copywriting. This is a list where you can get specific tips to apply to your business and geek out about the craft you love.
1. The Copywriter Club Podcast by Kira Hug and Rob Marsh
What if you could hang out with seriously talented copywriters and other experts, ask them about their successes and failures, their work processes and their habits, then steal an idea or two to inspire your own work? That’s what Kira Hug and Rob Marsh do in each new episode every week at The Copywriter Club Podcast.
Must-listen episode?
The Original Conversion Copywriter with Joanna Wiebe.
The great Joanna Weibe, founder of Copyblogger and who coined the title Conversion Copywriter, shares what she would do if she had to build her business from scratch today. The hosts Rob and Kira dig into to how Joanna finds inspiration for her work and fire a bunch of other copy-related questions at her. This is essential listening for those passionate about copywriting and building a business.
"Running a solo business is a tough venture. Use these podcasts as that empathetic friend that can get you over the slump in your day."
2. Company of One by Paul Jarvis
Paul Jarvis is a veteran freelancer, course creator, and seems to have every creative talent for content creation under the sun. In his show, Company of One, he deconstructs the traditional idea that a bigger business is always a better business. In this short podcast series, he encourages you to think on what it means to create richer and more fulfilling careers.
Must-listen episode?
A guide to running a minimalist business.
In Paul’s must-listen episode, he walks you through the idea of how a minimalist business could be a good fit for you. It’ll help you tame the idea that growth in revenue, customers, and employees is always the byproduct of success and focus, and that perhaps being comfortable and sustainable is a better alternative.
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3. Hot copy podcast: Secrets of Successful Copywriters
The Hot Copy podcast is a show full of copywriting tips, shortcuts, writing resources, and the occasional laugh. Every two weeks you’ll hear Belinda Weaver and Kate Toon collaborate to interview the next copy expert, all focused on helping you become a better copywriter and business owner.
Must-listen episode?
Sean D’Souza: The importance of stories in copywriting.
Sean D’Souza specializes in understanding how customers think and creating compelling stories to engage them. In this podcast, Sean shares his best tips on how writers can use stories to boost the effectiveness of their copywriting. You will find out the essential elements that make a great story and the types of stories to be avoided. You will walk away inspired to apply storytelling techniques to your copywriting. Your writing will be more impactful, and you will engage and convert more clients.
4. Content Marketing Playbook by Boston Content
I wouldn’t be a marketer if I didn’t plug the podcast that I host and produce. I created this podcast with idea of filling the void of podcasts for content marketers. In season one, I interview freelance content writers and ask them questions on how they got started, how they grew their business, and the tools they rely on. At the end, we even have time to geek out about writing habits and processes.
Must-listen episode?
Seth Godin - Lessons from the Master on Winning Freelance Work, Getting Paid, and Being Recognized.
Seth Godin is not only a fantastic writer and communicator, but he’s written 19 books, and many of those have been best-sellers. Seth has been a freelancer on and off for about 40 years. This podcast is 25 minutes of gold that all aspiring freelance writers need to hear. You’ll have a good understanding of how to stand out from the noise as a freelancer, be recognized for your craft, and why you should prioritize writing in your life.
5. High-Income Business Writing Podcast by Ed Gandia
Ed Gandia’s high-income business writing podcast will inspire you to remember that it’s possible to earn a great living from freelance writing. The tagline—“Earn more in less time doing the work you love for better clients”—is well suited, because each episode is sprinkled with incredibly useful strategies, advice, and tips for freelance writers.
Must-listen episode?
James Clear on an Easier Way to Build Good Habits as a Freelancer.
James Clear is one of the best research writers of his generation. He’s excellent at interpreting complex psychological studies and then presenting those findings to help optimize your day. This is exactly what this episode is about. James discusses his new book, Atomic Habits, and shares some strategies you build healthy habits to grow your business. Ed digs in and gets James to shares some specific examples of how to make prospecting clients automatic and little bit easier.
6. The Writer Files by Kelton Reid
Kelton Reid couldn’t be a bigger writing geek, so much so he created a show to dig into the nitty gritty of renowned writers’ habits and habitats. In each episode, Kelton dives deep into questions to reveal each guest’s secrets to creativity and productivity. From authors to journalists to movie script writers, The Writer Files is the place to go for all things related to writing, creativity, and productivity.
Must-listen episode?
How to Make a Living as a Pro Content Writer: Part One.
The Writer Files doesn’t normally focus on content marketers, but the two writers highlighted in this show, Mark Crosling and Aaron Wrixon, are online content creators and strategists who both run profitable freelance writing businesses. In this two-episode special, learn the tricks that allowed these consultants to scale up their trade in a tough market.
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7. Akimbo: A Podcast from Seth Godin
Seth Godin was mentioned earlier as a guest, and while his podcast is not directly aimed at freelance writers, he consistently shares his wisdom in each 20 to 30 minute episode. Seth prides himself on challenging the status quo because he’s passionate about changing the culture of marketing. This is at the root of his podcast Akimbo.
Must-listen episode?
No such thing as writer’s block.
In Seth’s must-listen episode, he tears down the idea of writer’s block and why he doesn’t believe in it. He makes the case that it’s a manmade excuse and convenient place to hide. Why is it only a creative profession gets an excuse not to create? A plumber doesn’t get plumber’s block. Instead, you will understand why you experience this friction and learn better ways to get past it. Once you’ve listened to this episode, get ready to open up that one draft that’s been a thorn in your side.
Which freelance podcast for writers will you listen to?
If you’re looking to take your writing business to the next level, tune into one of these podcasts for freelance writers and content creators. Running a solo business is a tough venture. Use these podcasts as that empathetic friend that can get you over the slump in your day. All of these shows offer a unique view of the world from successful copywriters to keep you inspired. Which show will choose?