Think back to the very first day you considered yourself a web designer. Do you remember it? Maybe it was during orientation at a college or university program, day one of your first design job, or the afternoon you first found yourself dreaming in pixels.
What would you tell your younger self? What delusions did you hold back then; what mistakes were just waiting to happen? What has design taught you throughout the years?
That’s the theme of this year’s Dribbble playoff. We challenge any designer out there with a Dribbble account to complete the phrase, “Design taught me…” with a rebound shot to our post on Dribbble. You don’t have to use the words “Design taught me” in your post, but you totally can if you want to.
The rules
The competition starts today, so start creating! use type, icons, illustrations, patterns, or finger paint — anything you can dream up works for us. You have until the end of the day on October 30 to submit your designs, and you can read the official rules here.
Post a rebound to our original piece to enter.
The prize
In the interest of continual learning, and because there is still so much that design can teach us, our prize package contains everything you need to level up your design skills.
Our grand prize winner will receive $1,000 worth of design books, magazine subscriptions, tools, technology, and some sweet custom bookends to hold them all up on your shelf. Plus you’ll get $4,000 in cash to buy whatever else you were hoping was in this kit.
Here’s what you’ll get in our creativity collection:
- $50 gift card for A Book Apart
- Five Simple Steps collection
- Creativity Inc. book
- Palette “Victionary” Series (No. 1; No. 4; Metallics)
- 1-year subscription to
- 1-year subscription to Offscreen Mag
- 6-month subscription to Monocle
- Design Deck playing cards
- Typography calendar
- $50 credit to Creative Market
- FramerJS
- Sketch
- … Plus some bookends to hold up your new books and magazines
Grand prize (1):
- $1,000 USD design education prize pack
- $4,000 USD
- Shopify swag
- 1 year of Dribbble Pro
Runners-up (2):
- $500 USD
- Shopify swag
- 1 year of Dribbble Pro
Honourable mentions (10):
- $100 USD
- Shopify swag
- 1 year of Dribbble Pro
Looking for inspiration?
Image title: “You can’t do everything on your own (Chuck Norris can).”
Shopify designer Andrey Gargul won an internal competition to be featured as the opening shot for our Dribbble Playoff.
Here’s what he had to say about this design:
Do I get more free time? Nope, design is hard.
We ran a competition last year too — Take a look at the winners of last year’s design challenge to get the wheels spinning.
Good luck!