

Daiso Card Photo


売上高400%、トラフィック249%アップ! DAISOが「Shopify Plus」で実現したBtoB・BtoCサイトの両輪戦略

全国に60以上の店舗を持つSoup Stock Tokyoは、スープやカレーを中心としたメニューを提供する「食べるスープの専門店」。「安心、安全でおいしい」にこだわり、女性を中心に幅広い層に支持されている。そんなスープを実店舗で提供するSoup Stock TokyoがEコマースの売り上げを伸ばしている。

Soup Stock Tokyo

Soup Stock Tokyo | Shopify Plusの導入で、ECサイトの利便性が劇的に向上 OMOも実現

Kanro Card Photo


老舗菓子メーカー カンロ、Shopify Plusの多様な機能を活用し、自社EC流通総額175%を達成


MIKI HOUSE | ミキハウス

MIKI HOUSE | オウンドのブランド&ECサイトの運用で、顧客体験の更なる向上を目指す

Shopifyの導入までの過程や導入したことによる変化、今後の展開についてお話しいただいた株式会社ウィゴー WEGO事業本部 EC部 UI/UXチーム 担当部長 出口 善斗氏とWEGO事業本部 EC部マネージャー 鈴木 遼太氏


株式会社ウィゴー | ECサイトとメディアサイトをひとつに統合したことで、サイトへのオーガニック流入が従来の300%向上



クラダシ、Shopify Plus導入でダウンタイムがゼロに。マーケティング施策も倍増でEC事業含む全体の売上140%を実現

サンドラッグではShopify Plusを導入し、通販サイトと会員登録した顧客向けのマイページを統合した「サンドラッグ Online Store」(をリニューアルオープン。




お仏壇のはせがわ | Shopify Plusで旧来のシステムを刷新し、ECサイトの売上増加を実現



ちいかわマーケット | Shopify Plusの導入で、ECサイトのアクセス集中問題を一気に解消し、顧客満足度も向上


FrancfrancのオンラインストアがShopify Plusで目指す、最高のブランド体験

Anker card photo


Ankerのキーパーソンが明かす、Shopify Plusで自社ECサイト売上+200%以上を達成した戦略

Transformer Table card image

Transformer Table

Transformer Table scales to over $100 million after moving to Shopify Plus


Pupsentials Grows from ‘Mom and Pup’ Startup to Over $5 million in Revenue

Daniel Wellington

How Daniel Wellington saves half a million euros every year with Shopify Plus

2 Chainz

How 2 Chainz uses Shopify Plus to reduce inventory risk and create multimillion dollar products

Wildling photo card


Wildling used Shopify POS to convert offline customers and increase sales

Beard & Blade

How Beard & Blade doubled its wholesale a year after switching from Adobe Commerce

Club Brugge

How Shopify brought the Club Brugge fan experience to life and boosted printed shirt sales 25%

K-Way card photo


K-way integrated multiple stores’ inventories in real time and boosted AOV by 6% with Shopify Plus.

Profumerie Griffe card image

Profumerie Griffe

Profumerie Griffe doubles sales with Shopify Plus

Schleich card photo


Schleich reduced checkout abandonment by 31% after migrating to Shopify Plus

Saint Charles card photo

Saint Charles

How Saint Charles boosted conversion rates and redefined its marketing with Shopify Plus

Pullup & Dip card image

Pullup & Dip

Pullup & Dip increased conversion rate by 349% after migrating from Shopware to Shopify Plus

Namuk card image


How Shopify Plus helped namuk to 65 % more transactions and a 45 % increase in conversion rate

Live Fast Die Young

Live Fast Die Young migrated in 12 weeks in time for its biggest product drop

Giesswein card


Giesswein transformed from a wholesale legacy business to sell direct-to-consumer in months

Hertha BSC card photo

Hertha BSC

No More Data Silos: How Hertha BSC Creates a Perfect Fan Experience With a Single Sign-On Solution

InnoNature card photo


InnoNature created a platform to sell direct to consumer and reclaim its customer experience

J.Lindeberg card photo


J.Lindeberg replatformed to inspire shoppers and boost revenue by 70%


Junglück multiplied its revenue 7X after joining Shopify Plus

a group of people in a meeting

Sonova Consumer Hearing

Sennheiser expands with Shopify Plus and opens up a new market in less than 8 weeks

Taschen card image


How Shopify Plus' headless architecture enabled TASCHEN to conquer new markets in just 5 months.

SodaStream card image


How SodaStream expanded its global direct-to-consumer offering and increased revenue by 20% with Shopify Plus

t1tan card photo


T1TAN increased its conversion rate by 25% after migrating

Oh My Cream Card Photo

Oh My Cream

Oh My Cream maximizes the benefits of omnichannel with Shopify Plus and Shopify POS

Sunology card photo


Sunology enters 3 European markets in just 1 month with Shopify Plus

All4cycling card photo


All4cycling increases conversion rate by 40% with Shopify Plus

Ysé photo card


How Ysé adapted its omnichannel strategy to boost growth with Shopify Plus

Morrison card photo


Morrison increases conversions by 15% and physical sales by 10% thanks to Shopify Plus

100% Pure

100% Pure uses Shopify Plus to create custom tooling to track inventory internationally

4ocean card image


How 4ocean switched back to Shopify from BigCommerce to focus on their core business

Abode Living

Abode Living boosts average order value by 25% with Shopify

707 Street card photo

707 Street

707 Street builds brand loyalty with seamless digital shopping experience

agood company card photo

agood company

agood company’s revenue explodes 100% year-over-year with customized site

Active Truth

Active Truth doubled site visitors, tripled orders, and boosted conversions 46%

Woman wearing Aje sweater


Aje’s conversion rate increased by 135% just weeks after upgrading

Aimer card photo


AIMER streamlines international expansion with Avalara tax automation

al.ive body

al.ive body boosts customer conversion by 47% with Shopify Plus


After its 12-week migration, Alessi increased page views by 233%

Various Allbirds shoes


Allbirds’ omnichannel conversions soared using buy in store, ship to customer

Alpha Box & Dice

Alpha Box & Dice Grows Wine Club Subscription Service By 700%

Aloha Card Photo


Aloha boosts sales by 289% after replatforming to a dynamic new site

AMR Hair & Beauty card photo

AMR Hair & Beauty

AMR Hair & Beauty leverages B2B functionality to boost sales by 200%

Alternative Brewing Chemex

Alternative Brewing

Alternative Brewing increased site speed and boosted average order value by 15%

A brown and white dog laying in a plush beige dog bed.

Animals Matter

Animals Matter starts selling omnichannel and sees a 45% increase in YOY sales

&Collar card photo


&Collar averages 30X year-over-year revenue growth


Scaling Success: Arhaus's Journey from a Complex Custom Build to Shopify

Baby Mori

Shop Pay boosts conversion for MORI by 8.5%

Aviator Nation card photo

Aviator Nation

Aviator Nation unified its channels and saw conversions take flight

Bala card photo


Bala curates one-of-a-kind fitness product destination through Shopify Collective

Bared Footwear card image

Bared Footwear

Bared Footwear streamlines its operations and customer experience after switching to Shopify POS

Beekman 1802 Card Photo

Beekman 1802

Beekman 1802 scales to over 150 countries in weeks using Shopify Markets Pro

Beauty Heroes Store

Beauty Heroes

Beauty Heroes improves customer retention and saves time with an omnichannel approach

BlenderBottle Card Photo


BlenderBottle enjoys 600% return on ad spend performance with Shopify Audiences

Blakely Store


How Shopify enhanced Blakely's customer experience and boosted conversion rate by 85%

BlendJet card photo


How BlendJet fuels meteoric sales growth with Shopify Plus

Blenders Eyewear

Blenders Eyewear grew its Black Friday Cyber Monday sales 10X YoY

Boll & Branch card photo

Boll & Branch

What’s Good for the Planet is Good for Business | How Boll & Branch earn over $100 million on Shopify


Boie doubles conversions and sales YoY by implementing expert enterprise strategies


Bombas migrated for site stability, and is also saving $108,000 a year in platform costs

BONIA card photo


BONIA boosts revenue by 20% with expansion stores


Boody grows online channel to 70% of total revenue with Shopify Plus