Education Images

Download free stock photos of students reading, writing, studying & learning on Burst. Hundreds of royalty-free education pictures to choose from.

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math cards & colored pencils

Math Cards & Colored Pencils

student holding out diploma by wall

Student Holding Out Diploma By Wall

woman whiteboard work

Woman Whiteboard Work

perfect afternoon picnic in the sun

Perfect Afternoon Picnic In The Sun

a tupperware lunch box separates salad ingredients

A Tupperware Lunch Box Separates Salad Ingredients

laughing man holding pen in meeting

Laughing Man Holding Pen In Meeting

coding team working on laptops

Coding Team Working On Laptops

science research lab microscope

Science Research Lab Microscope

woman drinking coffee and reading an interior design magazine

Woman Drinking Coffee And Reading An Interior Design Magazine

back to school flatlay on wood

Back To School Flatlay On Wood

lit book pages for reading

Lit Book Pages For Reading

young girl swinging on bars with backpack

Young Girl Swinging On Bars With Backpack

woman meeting whiteboard

Woman Meeting Whiteboard

book glasses on linen

Book Glasses On Linen

patient in wheelchair

Patient In Wheelchair

flatlay of notebooks a ribbon and a wax seal

Flatlay Of Notebooks A Ribbon And A Wax Seal

coworkers brainstorming

Coworkers Brainstorming

casual black backpack

Casual Black Backpack

two women on laptop

Two Women On Laptop

school late slip

School Late Slip

student back to school supplies

Student Back To School Supplies

students learning in class room

Students Learning In Class Room

student studies wall

Student Studies Wall

hands typing computer meeting

Hands Typing Computer Meeting

keep reading

Keep Reading

blank white book with rose pedals

Blank White Book With Rose Pedals

grad student with cap and diploma

Grad Student With Cap And Diploma

close up of a leather bound book

Close Up Of A Leather Bound Book

backpack with books a map and tech falling out of it

Backpack With Books A Map And Tech Falling Out Of It

graduate with bouquet

Graduate With Bouquet

woman leading meeting

Woman Leading Meeting

free images of books

Black Spectacles Otop An Open Book

dark wooden table with notebooks a leaf and a yellow pen

Dark Wooden Table With Notebooks A Leaf And A Yellow Pen

male student walking

Male Student Walking

woman scientist doing experiment

Woman Scientist Doing Experiment

christmas story time on ipad

Christmas Story Time on iPad

open novel with a hand on it by dried flowers

Open Novel With A Hand On It By Dried Flowers

library stunning architecture

Library Stunning Architecture

back to school holding out backpack

Back To School Holding Out Backpack

student getting diploma

Student Getting Diploma

reading on hotel bed

Reading On Hotel Bed

hands holding glowing book

Hands Holding Glowing Book

reading with an iced coffee in summer

Reading With An Iced Coffee In Summer

grad student celebrating diploma up in sun

Grad Student Celebrating Diploma Up In Sun

hand in gown holding diploma

Hand In Gown Holding Diploma

science test tubes

Science Test Tubes

school kid sits by back to school sign

School Kid Sits By Back To School Sign

back to school knolling flatlay

Back To School Knolling Flatlay

reading on the dock

Reading On The Dock

young girl reading on train

Young Girl Reading On Train

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Inspiring education photography

Need some professional education images to help you stand out? Our archives are filled with royalty-free photos of professors and students from diverse backgrounds reading, writing, studying, and learning both individually and in groups. Whatever educational message you need to convey, we’ve got at least one image that can help.

Our education stock photos includes pictures of traditional classroom learning, as well as people learning with technology, children on school trips, and adults honing their skills. You’ll also find pictures of teachers diligently explaining, students discussing, libraries full of book, classrooms, book bags and much more.

Our photos capture the true essence of education beyond long lectures and boring homework. We believe that a real education is more than mere knowledge gain for the sake of it. Rather, education puts life into perspective, builds opinions and viewpoints, and prepares you to be an active citizen of the world. Our skilled photographers have captured this side of education with great precision so that you can use our inspiring pictures to give character to your brand and projects.

Regardless of whether you are working on a presentation, website, or leaflet, our totally free images can do the job. You can freely copy, edit, and use any of our images without requesting permission and without attribution. Plus, our album of education photography is always expanding, so be sure to visit us again for future projects.