Adventure photography

Explore our free adventure photography. Our collection of adrenaline-pumping images includes pictures of wanderlust, hot air ballooning, skydivers, mountain climbers and bikers, travellers, cliff jumpers and more.

sun and shadows over sprawling canyon

Sun And Shadows Over Sprawling Canyon

moment of peace at lake louise

Moment Of Peace At Lake Louise

monkey napping in tree

Monkey Napping In Tree

woman walking path with head covered

Woman Walking Path With Head Covered

person checks their smartwatch outdoors

Person Checks Their Smartwatch Outdoors

vervet monkey in african tree

Vervet Monkey In African Tree

winding desert highway

Winding Desert Highway

campervan under morning sunrise

Campervan Under Morning Sunrise

women arm in arm raise their hands in peace sign on beach

Women Arm In Arm Raise Their Hands In Peace Sign On Beach

vintage traincar

Vintage Traincar

japan city from above

Japan City From Above

american desert highway

American Desert Highway

golden elegant columns

Golden Elegant Columns

red sandstone of antelope canyon

Red Sandstone Of Antelope Canyon

three people hold hands with their arms to the sky

Three People Hold Hands With Their Arms To The Sky

film camera and strap

Film Camera And Strap

climbers backpack carabiners

Climbers Backpack Carabiners

grassy roofs by the beach

Grassy Roofs By The Beach

highway through rocky canyon

Highway Through Rocky Canyon

arizona landscape

Arizona Landscape

route 66 winding through canyon

Route 66 Winding Through Canyon

sail to the sunrise

Sail To The Sunrise

boats sail on clear blue water

Boats Sail On Clear Blue Water

woman hiking with dog in fall leaves

Woman Hiking With Dog In Fall Leaves

warm sun over sleeping city

Warm Sun Over Sleeping City

person in boots standing in leaves and water

Person In Boots Standing In Leaves And Water

walking along the edge of an aqua blue outdoor pool

Walking Along The Edge Of An Aqua Blue Outdoor Pool

adult male lion in the sun

Adult Male Lion In The Sun

norwegian cabin

Norwegian Cabin

three people with their hands up on a forest trail

Three People With Their Hands Up On A Forest Trail

cactus on beach

Cactus On Beach

man and dogs admire valley

Man And Dogs Admire Valley

montreal night light streaks

Montreal Night Light Streaks

hiker ties their shoe

Hiker Ties Their Shoe

aerial image of snow covered mountains under bright sky

Aerial Image Of Snow Covered Mountains Under Bright Sky

pair of african penguins

Pair Of African Penguins

grand canyon little highway route 66

Grand Canyon Little Highway Route 66

grey scale foggy mountain

Grey Scale Foggy Mountain

person walks their dog on a tree lined pathway

Person Walks Their Dog On A Tree Lined Pathway

hand on globe

Hand On Globe

people hold hands walking down a suspension bridge

People Hold Hands Walking Down A Suspension Bridge

colorful home rooftops from above

Colorful Home Rooftops From Above

train adventure

Train Adventure

rebel on the highway

Rebel On The Highway

two people smiling while surrounded by dense forest

Two People Smiling While Surrounded By Dense Forest

montreal quebec night waterfront

Montreal Quebec Night Waterfront

grizzly bear in forrest

Grizzly Bear In Forrest

open notebook on world map

Open Notebook On World Map

woman looking at waterfall

Woman Looking At Waterfall

arizona desert landscape

Arizona Desert Landscape

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Explore our adventure photography

Your mission is to find great adventure images to complete your project. Our adventure photography has been exploding in popularity so be sure to choose wisely. You’ll uncover a range of pictures showcasing risk, danger and wild thrill. In this collection, you’ll find pictures of adventurers like mountain climbers, travellers, cliff jumpers, zipliners, skydivers, mountain bikers and more. Pictures of adventure activities are also found in this collection such as hot air ballooning, hiking, and exploration. Our pictures showcase unique worldly perspectives from atop mountains or deep into the waters. While our adventurers make it look easy, you don’t want to try any of these activities at home.

Your challenge is to find the perfect picture you can use for any project. Just kidding, that’s the easy part. You can use any of our amazing adventure pictures for commercial or personal use. Are you creating a bucket list journal? You can download any of our adventure images to inspire you to live life to the fullest. Do you write for an adventure blog? You’re free to use any of our pictures for your content. Do you sell backpacking accessories? You can any image from our adventure photography collection for your website and marketing materials. Are you looking to create canvas art of adventurous activities for your home or business? You’re free to use any of our images. Our Creative Commons Zero license allows you to be the ultimate rebel because you can change our images any way you want to.

Our adventure photographers are constantly photographing thrill seekers in action. You’ll find that we’re constantly springing new adventure images into this collection. So feel free to venture back here anytime.