Fun photos

Capturing the feeling of fun in photos isn't always easy - luckily we've got you covered. Browse our collection of fun photos, funny moments and celebratory events.

woman and girl play with water

Woman And Girl Play With Water

woman in a striped sweater smiles

Woman In A Striped Sweater Smiles

minimalist pink kite dots through blue skies

Minimalist Pink Kite Dots Through Blue Skies

summer smiles by the water

Summer Smiles By The Water

father playing with his kids

Father Playing With His Kids

kids sand castle

Kids Sand Castle

father having lots of fun with his kids

Father Having Lots Of Fun With His Kids

holding sidewalk chalk

Holding Sidewalk Chalk

goat laughing

Goat Laughing

boy at park

Boy At Park

kids push mom on swing

Kids Push Mom On Swing

ferris wheel against a blue sky

Ferris Wheel Against A Blue Sky

person rides a vehicle leaving a cloud of sand behind

Person Rides A Vehicle Leaving A Cloud Of Sand Behind

women having fun

Women Having Fun

young woman on swing reaching to sky

Young Woman On Swing Reaching To Sky

people jump into the water from a stone alcove

People Jump Into The Water From A Stone Alcove

ski resort crowd

Ski Resort Crowd

playing card games at a table

Playing Card Games At A Table



woman poses in pink room

Woman Poses In Pink Room

womens fashion with bubblegum

Womens Fashion With Bubblegum

carnival swing ride

Carnival Swing RIde

block from the middle being put on top

Block From The Middle Being Put On Top

beer pong setup

Beer Pong Setup

a child on a swing under a blue sky

A Child On A Swing Under A Blue Sky

blue and red dice

Blue And Red Dice

games night block tower

Games Night Block Tower

women pose with gold

Women Pose With Gold

a beaming mature woman in a striped sweater

A Beaming Mature Woman In A Striped Sweater

summer drinking games

Summer Drinking Games

a mature woman in a sweater smiling

A Mature Woman In A Sweater Smiling

games night moving blocks from tower

Games Night Moving Blocks From Tower

yay christmas

YAY Christmas

surrounded by watermelon

Surrounded By Watermelon

crazy eights card game at table

Crazy Eights Card Game At Table

candy and fashion

Candy And Fashion

slide ride at night

Slide Ride At Night

giant colorful slide

Giant Colorful Slide

a mature woman smiles into the middle distance

A Mature Woman Smiles Into The Middle Distance

shuffleboard with wax dusting

Shuffleboard With Wax Dusting

ariel water park

Ariel Water Park

kite flying at beach

Kite Flying At Beach

child playing near lake

Child Playing Near Lake

goat on roof

Goat On Roof

golden glamorous fashion

Golden Glamorous Fashion

skiing on water

Skiing On Water

long winter shadows aerial of skating pond

Long Winter Shadows Aerial Of Skating Pond

board game battle

Board Game Battle

slide at the fair

Slide At The Fair

carnival rides

Carnival Rides

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Browse our gallery of fun photos and funny images

Capturing Fun in Photography

It’s not always easy to capture the feeling of fun in photography. A ton of photographers have gone down the route of snapping shots at a fun event like a wedding or concert - only to have their scenes appear staged and wooden. You might be at the most exciting show of all time - but the act of stopping everyone for a moment and turning them to the camera to snap a quick pic is always going to look like a chore sandwiched between the fun moments you should be capturing.

Candidness is often the best way to instantly capture fun - but even this can be a bit tricky. For one, when snapping candid photos it’s very difficult to get the exact, funny images you want. Someone might be turned away or the lighting might not be quite right. Framing is trickier - plus, there’s always random, unpredictable occurrences with candid photography like the weather.

Luckily, we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips for taking fun, candid photos at your next event.

Avoiding awkward moments

It might be funny to snap a shot of someone else in a vulnerable moment. Maybe they’re in the middle of chewing on a jelly donut or telling a funny story. Of course you want to get a shot of someone in an animated position like that - but just remember that with funny images, timing is everything. A split-second can be the difference between an interesting, funny photo and one that’s just embarrassing and awkward for the subject.

This is why it’s better to use a semi-automatic mode on your camera. Most cameras will have “burst” mode (sometimes referred to as aperture priority mode or shutter priority mode) that will take a rapid series of pictures instantly and automatically to capture each step of a moment. This works best for fun, candid photos because you can go through the photographs and select the one that best captures the moment.

Create a scene with a zoom and auto-focus mode

When you’re taking candid pictures at an event - your framing, timing and situation is always changing. Generally you won’t have time to switch between lenses or reposition yourself - so it’s best to use a zoom lens that covers a wide range. This will allow you to quickly adjust the zoom and framing of your subject in situations where speed is important. Most cameras will also come equipped with an auto-focus mode that will focus the camera automatically on a subject based on movement. This is usually best to use in candid situation because you don’t always have control over the movement of your subjects and their surroundings.

Be Confident

It’s important to be bold when going after candid, funny moments. With things like timing and positioning being so important, there isn’t time to second-guess yourself. You can certainly ask subjects if you can take their picture if you’re not sure if they’d feel comfortable with it - but always have the bravery to ask. You’re never going to get the perfect shot of a funny image without taking those shots in the first place.