1000+ HD Background Images and Photos

Browse through our collection of stunning background photographs. Our background images are textured, patterned and arranged to perfectly support the content that you choose to add to your website.

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white crane in water walking forward

White Crane In Water Walking Forward

a black microphone lays on yellow backdrop

A Black Microphone Lays On Yellow Backdrop

white crane head closeup

White Crane Head Closeup

aerial view of water treatment plant

Aerial View Of Water Treatment Plant

sunsets over still water at shore

Sunsets Over Still Water At Shore

waterfall from rock formations over grass

Waterfall From Rock Formations Over Grass

waterfall amongst the forest

Waterfall Amongst The Forest

sheet metal roof in urban china

Sheet Metal Roof In Urban China

close up of a green leaf showing its detail

Close Up Of A Green Leaf Showing Its Detail

detailed fern leave amongst the shadows

Detailed Fern Leave Amongst The Shadows

observation deck of cn tower

Observation Deck Of CN Tower

two ropes crossing over on the water

Two Ropes Crossing Over On The Water

close up of crisp green and purple curly kale

Close Up Of Crisp Green And Purple Curly Kale

perfect deep red dahlia laying on a wooden board

Perfect Deep Red Dahlia Laying On A Wooden Board

american mountain skyline

American Mountain Skyline

watermelon against blue surface in a repeat pattern

Watermelon Against Blue Surface In A Repeat Pattern

maple branch & buds

Maple Branch & Buds

rustic wooden barn on a stone foundation

Rustic Wooden Barn On A Stone Foundation

bright red watermelon slices on pink background

Bright Red Watermelon Slices On Pink Background

close up of vast snowcapped mountain

Close Up Of Vast Snowcapped Mountain

low tide rock formations

Low Tide Rock Formations

stack of citrus slices on a white surface

Stack Of Citrus Slices On A White Surface

aerial view of lake surrounded by mountains

Aerial View Of Lake Surrounded By Mountains

vast snowcapped mountain under grey sky

Vast Snowcapped Mountain Under Grey Sky

beige and white building with a balcony

Beige And White Building With A Balcony

open stone courtyard with white archways

Open Stone Courtyard With White Archways

low tide seaside rocks

Low Tide Seaside Rocks

a close up view of a fern outdoors

A Close Up View Of A Fern Outdoors

brown rolling hills with a tree lined road

Brown Rolling Hills With A Tree Lined Road

hazy ocean views

Hazy Ocean Views

lighthouse on the coastside

Lighthouse On The Coastside

shenzhen cityscape

Shenzhen Cityscape

brick building with pillars

Brick Building With Pillars

triangle slices of watermelon on pink background

Triangle Slices Of Watermelon On Pink Background

portrait of textured of large green leaves

Portrait Of Textured Of Large Green Leaves

forest with rocks and road

Forest With Rocks And Road

ocean meets rocky peninsula

Ocean Meets Rocky Peninsula

snowy mountains blend into the sky

Snowy Mountains Blend Into The Sky

dusty planes at sunset

Dusty Planes At Sunset

hillside lake and town

Hillside Lake And Town

texture of large green leaves in shadows

Texture Of Large Green Leaves In Shadows

lighthouse peaks at sunset

Lighthouse Peaks At Sunset

close up of a green plant in the night

Close Up Of A Green Plant In The Night

lowrise building under a deep blue sky

Lowrise Building Under A Deep Blue Sky

beneath a freeway angled raised roads

Beneath A Freeway Angled Raised Roads

abstract image of a blue clouds surrounded by white

Abstract Image Of A Blue Clouds Surrounded By White

green and orange textured fern leaf

Green And Orange Textured Fern Leaf

weathered foliage with detailed leaves

Weathered Foliage With Detailed Leaves

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Most everything you need to get started — photos, suppliers, and more

Stunning HD background photos for commercial use

What makes background pictures different?

Background photographs are used very differently that regular images for a number of reasons. When selecting a background image - there are specialized criteria to keep in mind. For starters - background pictures won’t fit into a fixed frame they way other photographs would. When a photo is locked into an article or block of text or shown as part of an advertisement - the dimensions are fixed - meaning that selecting a suitable photo really just comes down to aesthetics.

With background images - things work a little differently. To start, backgrounds are not likely to be in a fixed frame and will need to be equally beautiful when viewed on a large fullscreen, widescreen, or a mobile phone screen. It’s for this reason that web developers will often choose an images of a pattern - so that parts of the it can be cut off by web-browsers and other content that may vary in size and shape without looking like the image is misplaced.

If you’re not using a pattern, you’ll want to make sure the image isn’t too focused. Images with a clear subject don't work as well as background images because parts of the subject may be covered.

You may also choose to use background images to create a parallax scrolling effect. Parallax scrolling has been proven to create a better user experience for web users. This is where a web designer or developer might choose to add content in front of a background images that scrolls faster than the background image itself. This effect is used on web-pages to give the illusion of depth to the page and to create a more dynamic viewing experience.

Images used in parallax scrolling tend to be a little bit different from regular background images. They can be patterns and textures as well - but because portions of the image will scroll by at some point, the images can be a bit more focused - as long as the focus is toward the centre of the image.

Remember that background images take a supporting role in web-page design, so it’s best if they’re simple, clean and patterned. Even if the pattern isn’t design-oriented, you’ll want to go with images without a single, clear subject. Photograph-wise, images like city scapes, landscapes, or large images of busy locations with many subjects tend to look best.

Background images for commercial use

Luckily when it comes to getting the perfect background photo - we’ve got your covered. Our collection of HD photos are perfect for editing and can be used as widescreen backgrounds, full screen backgrounds, and desktop backgrounds and will look equally stunning on both Windows and Mac computers at any size (1600 x 1200, 1440, 1280, 1920).

Take a look at our free, downloadable high resolution images - perfect for your next project.

Background images FAQ

What are background images?

Background images are visual elements that are used to enhance the appearance of a website, presentation, or any other design project. They provide a backdrop or setting for the main content.

What types of background images work best for web-page design?

Background images play a supporting role in web-page design, so it is best to choose simple, clean, and patterned images. Even non-design-oriented patterns can work well. Images without a single, clear subject, such as cityscapes, landscapes, or busy locations with multiple subjects, tend to look best.

Can I use your background images for commercial purposes?

Absolutely! Our collection of high-definition (HD) photos is perfect for editing and can be used as widescreen backgrounds, full-screen backgrounds, and desktop backgrounds. They will look stunning on both Windows and Mac computers at any size, including 1600 x 1200, 1440, 1280, and 1920.

Are your background images available for free download?

Yes, we offer a selection of free, downloadable high-resolution images that are ideal for your next project. These images can be used for commercial purposes and are ready to enhance your designs.